Healing, Empowerment, and Breakthroughs

Each session is designed to be a gentle yet powerful passage through the layers of your being, offering healing, clarity, and empowerment. From the comfort of your own sacred space, with just the need for a quiet, distraction-free environment where you can lie down, we embark together. While our sessions may touch upon past traumas, rest assured, you will never relive them.

Our approach is to heal, to rewrite your stories from a place of strength and wisdom. Emotions may surface, but guidance will be provided on how to nurture yourself afterwards. The intention is clear – to leave you feeling good, clear, empowered, and connected to the divine magic that weaves through all existence.

Journey With Athena

  • Existing Client Session

    For those who have journeyed with Athena before, this session is your open canvas. With trust in Athena and your spirit team, you're invited to enter with an open heart and mind, without a specific agenda. The guidance you need will find you, in the space created by your openness and readiness to receive.

  • Breakthrough Session

    Athena's most intensive offering, the Breakthrough Session, is a deep dive into the roots of where you're feeling stuck. Spanning up to 2.5 hours, it's a journey through limiting beliefs to a profound resetting of heart and mind. Together, we'll commune with your helping spirits, devise an action plan, and explore the energies that hold you back. Clients often emerge feeling empowered, hopeful, and clear on their next steps.

  • Soul Retrieval Session

    This session offers a gentle yet powerful journey through your past, guided by Athena, to reclaim lost or stolen parts of your soul. It's an ideal path for healing the wounds of past traumas and reclaiming your self. Clients frequently report feeling more whole, clear, and empowered, ready to move forward where they once felt stuck.

  • Destiny Retrieval

    When the future seems out of reach or disconnected from your purpose, the Destiny Retrieval session opens a path to potential futures. Guided gently by Athena, you'll explore how to stretch from your current reality to your dream reality, discovering and aligning with your true purpose along the way.

  • Cord Cutting and Release Session

    Struggling to let go or find autonomy in a codependent relationship? This session provides a symbolic and energetic disconnection, carried out with compassion. It's a powerful step towards reclaiming your power and establishing healthy boundaries.

  • Ancestral and Past Life Regression Session

    Journey through time with a combination of hypnotic regression and shamanic journeying, exploring the stories of your ancestors and past lives. This session blurs the lines between past lives and ancestral stories, offering clarity, healing, and connection. Discover pieces of your history, validate your experiences, and enhance your relationship with yourself and others.