Get Your Breakthrough Toolkit

Find ease through any transition with these tools shared in my printable Breakthrough Toolkit :

  • Short and sweet printable self care assessment to keep track with self care when you are going through a transition

  • Lists of powerful but easy to use metaphysical tools (like crystals and oracle cards) to utilize as you navigate transition

  • Lists of recommended apps and books to guide you when you feel lost in your transition

Hi there, I’m Athena

You’ve probably heard or read a little about me by now but in a nutshell I’m a shaman, I work with the spirit world, I’ve trained with some of our greatest spiritual teachers and I’m excited to share with you the tools, resources and direct channeled messages from the Divine that helped me through some of my hardest transitions and breakthroughs.

Through abandonment, loss, pain, illness, divorce, grief… I’ve come out on top, I’ve gathered my tools and I want to make transitions easier for you. Let me help you.